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Question: "How many hats does it take to fill a Volkswagon?"

Answer: "Nobody knows, there is still room for more hats."
Grandma Bernice says: "Better keep knitting so we can fill up the car!”
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The greatest
need is for basic hats knit for men in dark solid colors....navy blue, black,
grey, and brown...preferably washable wool. Large and extra large...when in
doubt knit it an inch longer to cover the ears.
We will be collecting hats throughout the winter. Hats can be dropped off at Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Shop on Lake St. and 16th Avenue, Linden Hills Yarn and Textile Center on Excelsior Blvd, Steven Be’s Yarn Shop on 35th and Chicago, or at the front desk at the YMCA on York Avenue in Edina.
Next Event:
Knitters will be getting together on Saturday, December 21 st. at Butter Bakery
located on 37th and Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis. We will meet at 11:00
am until 1:00 pm or as late as you want to stay. Butter Bakery, a locally
owned neighborhood restaurant, has delicious food at reasonable prices and
good lighting for knitting. Bring along the latest hat you are working on and
spend this time with other kindred spirits. We will be meeting there regularly
on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Join us and bring along a friend.
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